Northern Region Young Ambassador Competition

The Quarrydale Flock of Graham and Dawn Odgers of Trawden, Lancashire have kindly donated a trophy to be competed for by junior members involved in their own or family member’s flocks in the North Region.

The competition, to be known as the ‘Northern Region Young Ambassador Competition’ and will be held throughout the show season from May to the end of September, (yes that is how long the show season runs in the North of England!) for junior members or juniors from within flocks in the Northern region who show sheep at any show throughout 2014. There is also prize money raised from the raffle at an open day hosted by the Odgers last June.

Points will be awarded for classes entered, with additional points for placing’s within Breed Classes, Young Handlers, Butchers lambs and Any Other Breed Classes, as long as the sheep shown is a pure or cross bred Zwartbles.

The idea is to encourage young members to have a go, and be involved with the care and the preparation of the animals they are showing. Each time they show sheep, their placing’s should be recorded and signed by the judge or the show secretary at the show to confirm the results, with the points added together at the end of the show season and submitted for totting up with prizes at the end of it!

Entry forms are now available on the website to download and print off, via the Northern Region page or the junior members pages, or from the secretary by post if by some amazing chance a young member does not have access to a computer.

So come on you budding younger members, have a go, and get those sheep out there for all to see. Good Luck!!

Entry Form: click on icon below

Northern Region Young Ambassador Competition 2014 (1)
Northern Region Young Ambassador Competition 2014 (1)
Northern Region Young Ambassador Competition 2014 (1).pdf
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Updated: May 12, 2014 — 11:58 am